Archive for December, 2011

Professor X’s School of Awesome

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

In my search for a new ongoing project for the blog, I started this. I hope it’s clear who these guys are (other than “The X-Men”, that is); if not, it’ll become clearer as more characters join the gang. And if you don’t recognize them then,  you obviously have a serious gap in your pop culture that you need to fill in straight away.

Updates on a weekly basis.

I hope.



Community-X group photo - 1

Keen-eyed readers will notice the costumes aren’t canonical: there are just some designs I like better than others, and I preferred to pick each character’s best look (in my opinion) rather than keeping it accurate. One of the advantages of having countless universes, timelines, plots and reboots.



Wednesday, December 7th, 2011


This is the english version of my blog “Balon Dibur” (“Speech Bubble” in Hebrew), started so I can show some of the stuff I’m working on to non-Hebrew-speakers.

Over time I plan to translate some old posts from the original blog, and keep uploading new ones, with current projects, work process and tips.

If you’re just here for the art, you can take a look at my portfolio, or follow me on Facebook for updates.

