Archive for December, 2011


Tuesday, December 27th, 2011

“I believe that fusing brownies with the Internet is going to create the next Napster for brownies.”

Shirley - Storm

Community-X group photo - 6

7 down, 2 to go.



Tuesday, December 20th, 2011


“I never told you this, but Changs are usually born with tails. You sort of dodged a bullet there.”

Chang - Nightcrawler

Community-X group photo - 5


GarageGeeks welcome Mike Morhaime

Sunday, December 18th, 2011

The Israeli group GarageGeeks has a series of events called “Meet the Industry Leaders”, and this week they’re bringing Mike Morhaime (!), Blizzard’s CEO and cofounder. I was easily coaxed into illustrating the invitation, and here’s the process. By the way, if you’re by any chance in Israel this coming Wednesday, you can check out the event page on Facebook.

I started with a simple composition: two World of Warcraft characters, surrounded by geeks trying to capture the moment.

Blizzard Meetup Invitation - 1

Drawing the characters (I haven’t been to any of GarageGeeks’ past events, so I sort of winged it with the demographics. But after looking at some photos, there seem to be quite a few ladies there, which is great.)

Blizzard Meetup Invitation - 2

The next step is rough lighting and shading, to get the general tones down. A pandaren also managed to sneak in, as a gesture to the upcoming expansion.

Blizzard Meetup Invitation - 3

Starting to render (tediously working the rough shading towards the final look in black and white)

Blizzard Meetup Invitation - 4

More rendering; blood-elves get their own step.

Blizzard Meetup Invitation - 5

The final look in black and white, with a change of background to something more similar to the Garage location. Wanna hear something embarrassing? Round about this point my boyfriend suggested that I rotate the image and work on it in a right angle, then rotate it back when I’m done. I had not thought of this earlier.

Blizzard Meetup Invitation - 6

A fairly advanced coloring stage. Basically I’m throwing a layer set to “Color” over the black-and-white, and start to fill in the right hues. Of course there will be tweaks after that, but that’s the basic idea.

Blizzard Meetup Invitation - 7

Final illustration, smaller and moved down to allow space for text.

Blizzard Meetup Invitation - Final

Questions? Thoughts? Feel free to comment.




Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

I heard some interesting guesses for Pierce, but I think he fits best as Magneto: the older, distant character that sometimes works along with the group and is sometimes its piercest fiercest enemy. The only problem is that no part of his name works well with any part of Magneto’s name. Stupid letters.

“How long was I out? Is Napster still a thing?”

Pierce - Magneto

Community-X group photo - 4


Community-X: Annie Pryde

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

“Mornin’ boys. I’m Annie Edison, but people call me Psycho because I had a nervous breakdown in high school.”

Annie - Shadowcat

Community-X group photo - 3


Community-X: Troyverine

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

“Me and Abed have an agreement. If one of us dies, we stage it to look like a suicide caused by the unjust cancellation of Firefly. We’re gonna get that show back on the air buddy!”

Wolverine Troy

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